This useful application will let you record incoming and outgoing phone calls. CallRecorder can start recording automatically or ask whether to record a conversation or not - this will depend on the rules you set.
How to start:
1. First, you should turn CallRecorder on. To do this, press Options and select Settings command. In Settings dialog you can turn CallRecorder on and set up some options;
2. After that you should set rules for CallRecorder - considering these rules the application will or will not record phone calls;
Main view:
You can find all recorded phone conversations in the main view of CallRecorder. The following functions are available here:
* Play record. You can change the volume with joystick left/right arrows while a record is being played. To change speaker from loud to quiet or vice versa set an option Play volume in Settings dialog to a corresponding value;
* Call a contact or a phone number. If the highlighted record has a phone number, you can dial it even without exiting CallRecorder - just press Call button or select this command;
* Send via Infrared/Bluetooth/Email/MMS you can send the recorded conversation with the help of this command;
* View contact (hot key: '*') displays a dialog with a contact;
* Properties (hot key: '5') displays a dialog with record's detailed properties;
* Delete (hot key: 'C') deletes marked records;
* Delete all (hot key: 'Pen+C');
* Pack deletes all records that don't have a sound file;
* Refresh actualizes the list of records;
Records that don't have a sound file are marked by red color.
Call Recorder Pro Call list
Settings dialog:
Call Recorder Pro Settings
In this dialog you can set the following options:
* Activate (Turn on / turn off);
* Record format (amr / wav);
* Sound folder - a folder where recorded files will be stored;
* Max record time (unlimited / MM:SS);
* Play volume (loud / quiet);
Record rules:
Call Recorder Set Rules
Call Recorder Pro Incoming call
You can set the following rules in this dialog:
* Default - this rule will be put into action if none of the active rules is used;
* Unknown - if the caller's number cannot be defined this rule will be used;
* Contact - you can set a separate rule for a specific contact;
* Group - a rule for a group of contacts;
* Phone - a rule for a phone number. You can use a mask for phone numbers. A match pattern can contain wildcard characters "*" and "?", where "*" matches zero or more consecutive occurrences of any character and "?" matches a single occurrence of any character.
'*77' - all numbers ending at 77;
'877*' - all numbers beginning with 877;
'12?34' - all numbers like 12034, 12134 ... 12934;
You can set the following Actions for each rule:
* Ask before record - if this action is selected, CallRecorder will ask you wheather to record a phone call or not;
* Record incoming calls - record of all incoming calls is allowed;
* Record outgoing calls - record of all outgoing calls is allowed;
Note: If you haven't chosen a single action or have chosen only Ask before record, this rule will be disabled.
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